Personality Profile: Mr. Zaranek
This video was produced by TV 2 students - Semester 2 / 2016-17
Personality Profile: Mrs. Caralis
This video was produced by TV 2 students - Semester 2 / 2016-17
Personality Profile: Ms. Orban
This video was produced by our TV 2 students - Semester 2 / 2016-17
Personality Profile: Mr. Campion
This video was created by our TV 2 students (1st Hour / Sem2) interviewing Mr. Champion about the power of writing.
Personality Profile: Chad Hepner
This personality profile features Grosse Pointe South teacher and Alumni, Chad Hepner. This video was produced by South Advanced Video...
Meet Your Teacher 2014/15
This collection of interviews were produced by our TV 2 classes this past school year using our iPad Airs. The objective was to create a...
Student Life at South
This video features the Student Life Department at Grosse Pointe South High School. This was produced by our Advanced Video Production...
Profile: Matt Michaels
This is a personality profile on trainer, Matthew Michels. This was produced by our Advanced Video Production students.