Detroit Rowing Club
This is a news report about the Detroit Rowing Club, which many GP South students participate in in the Fall. This report was produced by...
Small Favors News Report
This news report is about one of our Grosse Pointe small businesses, Small Favors. This was produced by our Advanced Video students -...
Peer Pressure PSA
Two teens pressure another into drinking. She later realizes that it's a bad idea and avoids being peer pressured. This not only relates...
False Flavors of Cigarettes
When those who succumb the false flavors provided by flavored cigarettes, they sacrifice their ability to taste the true substances....
Texting & Driving Rap
This was produced by Advanced Video students from second hour - Fall 2016
7th Hour Openers - Fall 2016
These are introduction projects for our GPTV news broadcast produced by our TV Production 1 - 6th hour class - Fall 2016
5th Hour Openers - Fall 2016
These are introduction projects for our GPTV news broadcast produced by our TV Production 1 - 5th hour class - Fall 2016
6th Hour Openers - Fall 2016
These are introduction projects for our GPTV news broadcast produced by our TV Production 1 - 6th hour class - Fall 2016
Personality Profile: Chad Hepner
This personality profile features Grosse Pointe South teacher and Alumni, Chad Hepner. This video was produced by South Advanced Video...
Boy's Cross Country 2016
This is an interview with Coach Sonnenberg for Grosse Pointe South High School. The video was produced by Advanced Video Students - Fall...