Your Mask - PSA
This public service announcement was created by our Advanced Television Production students. They created this 30 second PSA using a...
Living with Your Mask
This short film was created by our Advanced TV students using our Canon 70D DSLR camera and Final Cut Pro X. The film shows how people...
Pep Assembly 2015
This video was produced by our TV 1 students using an iPad and iMovie
Diversity PSA
This is a public service announcements on the topic of diversity and appreciating ones culture. This PSA was produced by Sandra P, an...
The Power of a Puppy PSA
This public service announcement explains how owning a dog has a positive effect on ones health. This video was produced by Lauren S. She...
GPS - Hall of Fame
This music video features scenes from the 2015/16 winter sports season at Grosse Pointe South. This video was created by our TV 2...
It's a Murder in the Wings
This documentary features the behind the scenes footage of the fall play - It's a Murder in the Wings. The video is a combination of...
Commercial Foods
The Commercial Foods program at South High School provides a hands-on experience for students looking to get into the field of culinary...
Link Crew Freshmen Event
Grosse Pointe South is fortunate to have a Link Crew for freshmen for the last several years. The freshmen are linked with upper classmen...
Empty Bowls Charity Preview
One of our Advanced Video groups created a documentary on the Empty Bowls of Detroit charity. The group interviewed Bonnie Mellos about...